How to Deal With Pine Needles- 5 Effective Usage You Must Know

Pine needles are a more dangerous thing for lawn or garden. But it is also helpful for soil if you can use it properly. Do you know How to Deal with pine needles? Do you have a pine tree and don’t know how you can use or clean pine needles?

When pine needles are breakdown and fall in the ground, it is not easy to clean with a free hand. For cleaning, you can use mulch. In this article, I will discuss all pine needles. How can we clean and use it? It will be helpful to you. So, let’s start-

How To Deal With Pine Needles From Pine Tree

I have a pine tree on the side of my garden. I faced many problems when pine needles fall first. Then I think it can help to make my garden beautiful. Not only that but also soil can get nutrition. There are many pine trees in the world.

All pine needles size is not the same. When trees become big and old, needles fall like leaves. After landing, new needles are grown up.

Generally, we plant pine trees side of the garden, near pools, and ponds, patios, and pavement. Pine needles are difficult to pick up. First, we will discuss how to remove pine needles from garden beds, pools and ponds, patios, and pavements.

Garden Beds

Suppose you have pine trees in the garden, the best way to remove pine needles by using a rake. Pine needles are very sharp. So, it is quite challenging to use your hand to remove them. You can use a rake for large areas. It can clear most of the needles without raising the soil.

You can use your hands to remove the pine needles. If you use your hands, you must wear gloves to protect your hands.

Pools And Ponds

Sometimes pine trees stay near the pool or ponds. So, pine needles can fall on the water surface and make a thick carpet. To clean them, you can use a skimmer or a pool net. By Sweeping in the water surface using a skimmer, you can clean the most debris.

You can also use the special comb, which is mainly used for picking pine needles from the water surface. The long handle will help to rack off from the roof, gutters, etc.

Patios And Pavements

Many people plant pine trees on patios and pavement. Naturally, pine needles are fall there. You can use outside broom or long broom. It is the best way to remove pine needles. Though it can’t clean correctly, racks are also used here.

Pine Needles Can Turn To Great Mulch

Do you know pine needles are not only debris but also help to work as mulch? Now I am going to say, How to deal with pine needles as mulch. In the winter season, pine needles help to protect the soil. You can use it in your patios like a thick carpet.

You can also use in your vegetable garden or flowerbeds two or three-inch layers to improve the soil. Pine needles mulch helps to keep temperature and water resistance correctly of the ground. You can use pine needles like compost.

For this, just mix equal quantity of brown and green pine needles and put them inside. After some days, it will be ready to use.

Some Uses Of Pine Needles

  • Make Fire: Take some dry pine needles and tie them together. Then use it for burning. You can cook it.
  • Tasty Vinegar: take 1\3 cup of vinegar in a bottle and put some pine needles in it. Let them for one week. Then put out the needles. Now it is ready to use. You can use this in salad and other foods.
  • Pine Tea: Pine needles are full of nutrition. It contains vitamin A & C. It increases our immunity system. You can make a cup of tea and drink it. The tea also keeps our minds fresh.
  • Cough Syrup: You will be surprised to hear that pine needles help to reduce cough. You can make cough syrup if you need it. Just take some water, honey, and pine needles and mix them well. Then put for three days and remove the needles. Wow, the cough syrup is ready.
  • Air Freshener: If you like the smell of a pine tree, you can make air freshener by pine needles. Take some water and pine needles in a pan and boil them for 10 minutes in a medium flame. Wait until it comes to room temperature. Then filter and put it in a spray bottle. Spray in your house and get a sweet smell.
  • Crafty Things: Pine needles have various uses. It is also used for making the basket, flower vase, tassel, and many more.
  • Essential Oil: You can make Essential oil by pine needles. First, take any kind of essential oil and keep some pine needles in it. Wait for seven days and see the magic. After seven days, you will get sweet smell oil.

It is not easy to breakdown pine needles, but it is useful. In this article, I have just discussed How to deal with pine needles. Usually, pine needles can remove bad smells. We get nutrition from pine needles. There are many ways to use it. If you think some exceptional, you also can try that. Always handle it carefully.